ProCore – Construction People Doing Software vs. Software People Doing Construction [VIDEO]

In 2013, when we were starting to explore software options for project management, we spent a lot of time discussing and evaluating our processes. Like many mid-sized construction firms, we had used a number of different spreadsheets and tables to track our daily activities.  The goal of using web-based, project management software was to put all of our processes and accountability under one umbrella, with the ability to access it from anywhere as long as we had an internet connection.

ProCore – We Just Knew

ProCore Video - Parker YoungIt’s kind of like when you’re buying a house… and you’re lucky enough to walk in and just know it’s the one. That’s the same experience we had with ProCore. We believe in their product and use it differently than many of our competitors that also use ProCore.

This past fall, ProCore came to Kansas City to do a promotional video on how we use their product. It not only promotes ProCore but also Straub Construction and our embracing of technology best practices. In an industry that’s struggling to find quality individuals, we feel our relationship with ProCore is allowing us to attract and keep the best and the brightest.

Check out the two minute video and let us know what you think!


Straub Squared – Special Projects Team Continues to Grow

Guest Author: Elliott Heitman

Straub Squared LogoIn May of 2016, Straub created a new division to handle specialty projects. Straub Squared, or S2, has been able to service a wide range of clientele and markets, from office tenant improvements to medical practices.

Initially, the team was a one-man show but has quickly grown to a five-person operation. Like any business, the people producing make all the difference, and S2 is no different. Our team is what makes us successful. We feel it’s important to create an environment that not only our employees want to be a part of but our clients as well.

Elliott Heitman

Elliott Heitman

The first time I met Ernie Straub, he mentioned that we need to “Make construction fun, again.” Well, I listened to Mr. Straub, and we strive to do just that with every project.

Construction can be a grind, but we try to bring a unique approach, look at things a little differently, and not take ourselves too seriously. And our clients noticing this has been key to our success. We’ve been lucky to work with great clients as well which also makes a big impact. We recently completed a renovation of the BPU office in Kansas City, Kansas and are excited to be working with UMKC renovating their School of Medicine.

Straub Squared - Project Pic Straub Squared - Project Pic

If Tables Could Talk

If Tables Could TalkIt was 1983. Susan and I weren’t married a year yet and had just bought our first house in Olathe. Most of what filled our rooms in that rental home in Bethany, Missouri were hand-me-down furniture and items we’d found at garage sales. But we had decided to invest in our first new piece of furniture–a table for our breakfast room. We knew we wanted real wood. So we headed to The Unvarnished Truth.

I can remember it like it was yesterday, walking through the aisles of tables and chairs, Susan and I testing chairs and dreaming about our future together.

As someone in the construction business, I have an appreciation for the high-quality finishes that craftsman carpenters have, so when we saw the solid oak table with a sturdy frame and built-in extendable leaves, we were sold.

I should mention, this table didn’t just have one or two leaves. It had four. When fully extended, this table would seat twelve people comfortably. As a young couple, we had hopes for a big family. It may not have been practical at the time, but buying that table was a leap of faith.

A Table Full of Memories

If Tables Could TalkIf tables could talk, this one would have plenty to say. It has quite a few dents and dings from hungry children banging on its top. It’s seen its fair share of Straub birthday parties and welcomed numerous guests to our home. It’s held more dishes, anniversary flowers, and homework projects than I can count.

For a while, it even held the petrified remains of green beans. Years after the fact, we discovered that the kids had been stuffing their unwanted vegetables in napkins, discreetly hiding them in the shelves under the table while Susan and I weren’t looking.

Three homes and thirty-four years later, that table remains the unspoken centerpiece of our home; the point of gathering in both the ordinary daily routine and the moments of grand celebration.

Dinner at Dad’s

If Tables Could TalkThat breakfast room table took on a new role in our home a few years back. It all started when I had some health complications. An avid golfer at the time, my doctor suggested I get a new hobby. So I turned to cooking. I’ve spent the last few years cultivating my skills in the kitchen.

My masterpieces are in the area of comfort food. I don’t want to brag, but my pulled pork, smoked to perfection atop mashed potatoes, gravy and a crispy sourdough bread will put any Kansas City BBQ joint to shame. And don’t get me started on my Reuben sandwich!

So every Sunday, around 6:30, family and friends gather around that old oak table. All four leaves are needed as dishes are piled on. Without fail, every seat is filled, with kids and grandkids, old friends visiting, and new neighbors invited spur of the moment. I’m usually the last guy to sit down, running around the kitchen, finishing the side dishes and grabbing the butter.

When I take my place at the head of the table, I’m filled with gratitude to be surrounded by all of the best things in life–good people, good food, and good conversation. The grandkids run in and out as the adults linger around the table, swapping stories and helping themselves to seconds and thirds.

The Gift of Hospitality

For me, it’s not about making perfect dishes. It’s not about impressing others with our perfect house. This gathering has become about normal, everyday hospitality. It’s a help-yourself kind of comfortability. It’s about really listening to each other and drawing near as a family and with our friends.

When Susan and I bought that table all those years back, we had no way of knowing what was to come. Our family has been blessed to grow from the two of us to 14 with Grandbaby numbers 3 and 4 on the way. The table has to be covered by a tablecloth these days, the scratches gouges and watermarks, all carry such great memories and we are so looking forward to many more to come!

Thank you, Dad, for the letter.

Ernie Straub IIIWith the recent passing of my father and partner Ernie Straub Jr., our family has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and condolences. I want to share with you a very special gift my Dad gave me forty-one years ago that has had a lifelong impact.

This letter has been kept in a book titled “Great Words of Our Time”. In today’s fast-paced, instant gratification world we live in, picking up a pen and writing a heartfelt letter to someone you love or are estranged from can have a lifelong impact for them and for you.

Thank you, Dad, for the letter.

Click here to see a copy of the original letter my father wrote me.

Transcript of the letter

Dear Ernest,

It is good to see that you are searching for a better life in the right places.  Getting next to the Lord always helps to get over the rough spots in life.

Growing up is always tough but even more so in these unstable times.  It is a great feeling to a parent especially me to see you maturing into a fine young man.  The last two years you have come a long way in growing up.  I am sure you will continue to progress in your search for happiness by being selfless.

My Dad always told me he was my best friend and I never really appreciated him until I was at least twenty-five years old.  So you see I was a long time growing up to appreciate some of my blessings.

You will be happiest when you can give of yourself freely without counting the cost.  Dying to self is the hardest task we all as men of clay have to do.

I never have been a very demonstrative person.  I don’t vocalize my feelings very well or too often which is one of my short comings.  You have always been a good son for which I have always been proud.  I have failed to tell you often enough just what a good son you have been.

Always be true to yourself by doing what you know to be the right thing then you will never have regrets.

I pray the Good Lord will give as many years to enjoy one another as we should.  I am an old man who needs love as like young men do.  Let’s love one another.

Your Dad

Merry Christmas from Straub Construction. Check out our JibJab Card!

Merry Christmas from Straub Construction. We hope that you enjoy some great time off with your family and friends!

This year, we decided to step things up by creating a JibJab card featuring Ernie, Parker, Sandra, George and Kristin. If you haven’t heard of, it’s a website that lets you create hilarious animated cards that you can email to your friends, family, clients, prospects, etc. It was really easy to use the site, and the results are really worth the effort.

Click here to watch it… I hope you will love it! We shared it around our office and people were laughing out loud. eCard

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2017!

It’s A Wonderful Life

Author: Ernie Straub III

It’s the Christmas season again. That means it’s time for many traditions for the Straub household. The decorating of the tree, hanging the Christmas lights, spending time with family and friends, enjoying the true meaning of Christmas. And of course, watching my favorite Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life!

This iconic movie is such a great reminder each December about the things that matter. I’m admittedly a bit of a softie, and I’ll admit I always get choked up when George Bailey sees the moments of his life flash by in a montage of scenes, blessings from his ordinary life being realized.

Matt and KathleenAs I reflect back on my year, I have many things to be thankful for. One day that will forever be etched in my mind is October 22nd, 2016. Why, you ask? It’s the day my son Matt married his bride, Kathleen.

I may be a bit biased, but that sunny October day may have been the most perfect day of the year. The weather was truly idyllic. And all of our favorite people were there! From Thailand to Texas, Mexico City to Mississippi, California to Washington D.C., family members, and friends came to celebrate the start of their life together.

So many moments came together to make that weekend truly special.

These are snapshots that I’ll not soon forget:

Gathering with the groomsmen in the back room of the church before the ceremony and praying over Matt and Kathleen’s marriage.

Laughter echoing in the sanctuary as four rambunctious ring bearers made their way down the aisle, hamming it up and whacking their flowers along the church pews.

Watching the newlyweds arrive at their reception in a helicopter, wind blowing Kathleen’s dress, walking hand in hand with her new husband into a night of fun family dancing and celebration.

But perhaps the moment that sticks out most is seeing my son watch as the doors to St. Agnes Catholic Church were opened, and he saw his beautiful bride walk down the aisle.

MattI saw my son, a grown man whom I’m so proud of, but I also saw our baby that didn’t start walking until he was 17 months. I saw the little boy that I coached in soccer and our son who lights up the room with his goofy impersonations and a great sense of humor. I saw my Matthew, with eyes full of love, ready to start this new chapter in his life.

As a parent, you live to see your children happy. In this moment my heart was overflowing with joy.

Adding to The Straub Family

Part of the reason that weddings are so beautiful is that it means that our family is expanding. Not only was it a time to see family and loved ones we hadn’t seen in a long time, but it was also a time of getting to know our new family, The Shaneyfelt clan.

It’s crazy to think that we didn’t know this couple just two years ago. We met David and Cari a few months after Matt started dating their daughter, Kathleen. We just hit it off right away. We truly feel as though we’ve found new lifelong friends!

And speaking of Kathleen, we couldn’t be more excited to have this compassionate, level-headed girl with a surprising sense of humor be a part of our family. She and Matt make such a great couple, and it was beautiful to watch their courtship grow into a God-centered love that will last forever.

The FamilyFrom Our Family to Yours

At work, we talk all the time about “The Straub Family,” the network of people that we share life with. Some are related by blood or marriage, but I truly feel this extends to the men and women that I work alongside every day.

Weddings are such unique opportunities to stop and remember the important aspects of a full life. They make up the snapshots that you recall when you think about your life, just like the things that Clarence showed George Bailey in that 1946 classic.

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish your family the best this Christmas season. We at Straub Construction feel honored to know you and hope that you take the time to remember all of the moments in your past year that blessed you.

It's a Wonderful LifeIt truly is “A Wonderful Life.”

P.S., A huge thank you to all of the vendors who made this day go off without a hitch!

  • The gorgeous St. Agnes Catholic Church
  • Brancato’s Catering, for their incredible food and service
  • The Kansas City Air Museum, for the perfect reception venue!

ABC Award for the Koala Exhibit at the Kansas City Zoo!

ABC Award - Koala ExhibitRecently, Straub Construction won the award for “The Institutional Projects – under five million dollars” for the Koala Exhibit at the Kansas City Zoo. The award was from the Heartland Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors.

The reception banquet was held at Arrowhead Stadium, and awards were given for outstanding construction projects that were completed in 2016 in various categories. Our award was accepted by Ernie Straub IV and Ernie Straub III of Straub Construction, and Jerry Gallagher, Director of Facilities for the Kansas City Zoo.

The award that was presented to Straub Construction showcased the work; performance and completion of an important specialty project at the Kansas City Zoo. From the beginning of the project, the timeline was critical because of the anticipated arrival of Coedie and Burra… the two Koalas that would call our project home.

ABC Award - Koala ExhibitThe exhibit houses both Koalas, though their living quarters are separate. Visitors to the zoo can see them in various settings that reflect their natural environment. Straub Construction delivered the project on time for the arrival of the Koalas!

We asked Ernie IV what he learned about Koalas as Project Manager on this special project. He said, “a Koala is not a bear. It’s actually a marsupial. They sleep 18 hours each day and prefer to eat eucalyptus leaves.”

A lot of hard work went into making this project a success! We’re proud of our team for making this happen for the Kansas City Zoo.

We love our Crossroads Location. Celebrating one year!


Crossroads AnniversaryLast month marked the one-year anniversary of Straub’s Crossroads location! Having an office in the Crossroads was something that we knew would be important to our current employees, future employees (also known as Millennials), and customers. But until we rooted ourselves in the Creamery building, at 2100 Central, we didn’t know how it all would play out.

Many of our employees use the Crossroads location as a centralized place to hold meetings, but it’s grown into more than that. A handful of our employees made the switch to calling it their primary home.

The Crossroads location has also been a great centralized meeting spot to grow client, customer, and subcontractor relations for the business development and preconstruction teams.

Crossroads Anniversary


There are six businesses on the first floor or our building. We get to interact with them and their clients every day. We also help each other with volunteer opportunities, food drives, networking happy hours, and after hour cocktails from time-to-time.

Gratitude and Thanks

A company can’t celebrate an anniversary without thanking its clients, customers, and partners. After all, we wouldn’t be here without you.  So special thanks to each and every one of you and we hope to continue growing our relationships for years to come. Not all of the projects are easy, but we hope you trust and believe we look after everyone’s best interests, every day.

Cross Country Mayhem!

Cross Country Mahem!As many of you with high school athletes know, team dinners are a bonding opportunity for team sports during the various seasons.

When I was told we were going to host the cross country team dinner, I didn’t think too much about it. We’d hosted one last year, but I forgot that it was just the runners participating in the regional meet, so only about twenty kids. This year, we were going to be hosting the entire team. For Blue Valley, that meant over a hundred kids were going to attend!

Thankfully, we weren’t on our own. Many parents helped, and all the kids left full and loaded with carbs.

Cross Country Mahem!I was hoping for good weather, and fortunately, while a bit chilly, the rain in the forecast moved out in the afternoon. As the kids started to arrive, I was impressed by how courteous and polite they were. All the kids I talked with were engaged and respectful. A handful even carried on a real conversation about school, cross country and other sport topics.

The only “negative” from the evening also ended up being a highlight.

Picture 25-30 kids playing football in your back yard. Check out the 19 second clip below to see them in action. Our yard ended up looking a bit worse for the wear. But it was nothing a little sweat equity couldn’t fix, and well worth the investment!

Mind you, these were freshman through seniors playing together. It’s a bit unusual for freshmen and seniors to hang out… and that’s one of the great things about cross country. It’s definitely an inclusive sport. They had a blast and played for a solid hour even after many of the kids left. Everyone looked out for each other, and anyone who wanted to participate was welcome.

Cross Country Mahem!It was really refreshing to be around these kids. They were just that, kids, having fun, being silly, bonding, and doing it in an inclusive, respectful and fun way. I’m sure you have similar stories if you have kids in sports. It’s nice to think that one day kids with these types of characteristics might be the ones who lead our communities, businesses and country.

Goodbye Project Management Workbook. Hello Procore!

Procore LogoIn early 2013, we started to explore Cloud based Project Management software. Our goal was to improve the collaboration and communication between our project team including Project Managers, Superintendents, Architects, Engineers, Owners and Subcontractors.   We had an effective system in place that was mostly Excel based, but saw room for improvement. In order to communicate effectively with the entire project team, most importantly our PM and Supers, we chose Procore.

Procore has given us the ability to manage all project related information from a single location that is easily and quickly accessible in the cloud.

The most significant area of improvement we’ve experienced is the level of communication between the PMs and Supers.  No longer is there a need to email documents back and forth. Instead, everyone has access to all project related information, that’s real time and transparent, allowing for better communication throughout the day.

One of the coolest features of Procore is their Drawings tool, especially when using the Procore app on a mobile device.  All of our PMs and Supers are equipped with an iPad in addition to their mobile phones and computers.  Starting in 2013, we were able to electronically post all our as-builts (a revised set of drawings submitted by a contractor upon completion of a project or a particular job) as well as links to RFI’s (Request For Information) which ensures we are building off the most recent changes/clarifications to the project.

Procore isn’t just for Straub’s benefit.

We give access to our Subcontractors, Architects and Owners.  This helps ensure that our collaboration with the entire team is as accurate and real time as possible. It’s been a fun evolution to see not only Straub personnel but also our Subcontractors use the Procore app to access information daily.

It’s a great tool for upper management as well. From the ability to read daily logs to managing risks, Procore provides us with numerous tools to analyze trends and address issues proactively.

Procore has quickly become an industry leader in Cloud Based Project Management Software and it’s easy for us to see why.

Not only is the software easy to use, Procore has become a real partner by equipping us to collaborate at the highest level with our entire project team.  The feedback from Architects, Owners and Subcontractors has been very positive.

Tim Wilcoxon, Owner Rep for Shawnee Mission School District stated “With Procore, the information we need is always available.  No more waiting for the mail or phone calls to be returned. It’s a very useful tool to help manage a project.”

To learn more about Procore, be sure to check out their website at