Family and Teamwork – these two words ring true when it comes to the Straub Culture.

Family because they are our backbone and support – as much as we know our company couldn’t succeed without the hard work of our employees we recognize that it’s the support of their families that is at the core of what inspires them to work hard every day. We embrace the families of our employees and we celebrate them.

Teamwork because success cannot be achieved without it – every employee is counted on to make the Straub experience a great one – from our Director of First Impressions that greet our vendors, clients and employees coming through our doors to our President, the sense of responsibility and accountability to others is summed up in the word teamwork.

At the end of the day, it’s about creating a culture that speaks to the mission of your company. At Straub Construction, our folks live by the golden rule: Treat others the way you would like to be treated! While these are simple words, they are powerful when implemented. They are the foundation that makes Straub Construction’s culture one of a kind!